Our Most precious gift!



Family and friends - these are the things dear to my heart. Family and friends - these are the things I cherish the most.
Family and friends - these are the things that make life sweet.

Heaven's greatest pleasures, It's right here on this earth, Family and friends - a precious gift from God. 



My husband Brendan, Daughters Leigh and Rachel, and myself  on Rachel's Wedding Day


Good friends Stephanie & Mike Longinov with their family of Nitelatches Shelties

Above Picture taken Nov. 2010


My dear  friend, webmaster & photographer Bonnie Rector Highledge Shelties.

Bonnie! Thanks for all your hard work and creativity on my site!!



I would like to take this opportunity to thank a very dear friend  for her help in the last couple of years. Donna Roadhouse of  B.I.S. Arpeggio Shelties. Donna is pictured handing our boy Ch. Twin Cedar's Backdraft


A Sunday afternoon with good friends and a glass of wine!!  Bonnie Taylor (Bonnyville Shelties) and Bonnie Rector (Highledge Shelties)


Here we are again Bonnie and I and also my sister Barb